Breath is the key to relaxation and to the efficient performance of any physical activity. It is also fundamental to the efficient functioning of the mind and the vital organs.

We will use simple breathing techniques to enable a greater understanding of your habitual breathing patterns and any blockages that may exist. Once these techniques have been applied in a directed exercise they can be more easily transferred to other situations, everything from daily activities to competitive sports.

With these techniques I have had significant success assisting clients in: overcoming migraines, sleep apnoea and related issues; enabling people to swim who never thought they could or would be able to; de-stressing and reducing anxiety, including that related to public speaking.


Can be delivered one-on-one or in group format, including corporate.



Dale developed a new lifestyle for me and broke down the myths, and my misconceptions, about weight gain, back problems, sleep problems and dietary habits. He has offered me a long-term commitment to get me to a place where I know my health deserves to be.

In addition the Aqua Training and Breath Integration work Dale has done with me has had a significant impact on solving the sleep apnoea I had been suffering off and on for over ten years.

Julie Scott – Executive Director


I had suffered pelvic instability and severe sciatica with debilitating pain since giving birth. Working with Dale on retraining my pelvic floor and learning to engage my core to support good posture, along with his breath work and relaxation techniques has made a huge difference.

He has provided me with invaluable tips about safe, comfortable sitting, standing and lying postures, including driving, at my desk, sleeping, lifting and carrying. He has shown me ways to take the strain out of my lower back, enabling me to finally have proper, pain free, healing and recovery time, rather than repeating my same old patterns that were only perpetuating my problems and pain.

Bernadette Barber – Marketing Manager