Covering all aspects of fitness and wellbeing, these sessions are designed to educate and motivate people to make informed lifestyle choices. Well suited to a wide audience, from schools to corporate environments, they can be tailored to cover everything from exercise to injury prevention, relaxation techniques, mindfulness training and nutrition.

My special passion lies in educating around:

1.  Improving postural awareness to prevent the incidence of injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. For further, specialist information please visit the following sites:  and  LinkedIn page

2.  The importance of improving levels of physical activity (reducing sedentary inactivity) in the general populace, to directly prevent serious, chronic illnesses.

It may shock you to learn that the following stats relate to illnesses that occur purely as a consequence of insufficient levels of physical activity. 

70% of the Australian population, i.e. 16.8 million people are deemed to be sedentary or insufficiently active, of those:

-  Around 3.9 million will develop breast and colon cancers

-  Over 4.5 million will develop Type 2 Diabetes

-  And over 5 million will suffer Coronary Heart Disease

To reiterate, these diseases in this context, are only occurring as a consequence of inadequate levels of physical activity - they are entirely preventable! They are also a huge unnecessary burden on the health system and the taxpayer.

Education about this issue is critical to the health and wellbeing of individuals and the nation. And therefore, critical to the productivity of our workforces and the nation.

Suitable for schools, community groups, corporate, and any group focused on the wellbeing and productivity of its members.